2024 Slam the Islamophobia
Date: Saturday, May 18th, 2024
Time: 1:00PM-4:00PM
Location: Natural History Museum, Swaner Forum
301 Wakara Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Partners: Natural History Museum of Utah

About: We are proud to announce the fourth annual Slam the Islamophobia event! Join us on May 18th for poetry, prose, and art performances to empower the Muslim creatives in our community.
With a growing base of attendance every year, Slam the Islamophobia has come to be one of Emerald Project’s more popular events. Starting back in 2019, Slam was an Emerald team inspired event designed to create a safe and open space for creativity for local Muslims to express themselves through their choice of art. Slam the Islamophobia has become a cornerstone of Salt Lake City art culture and continues to unify and enrich our community. All are welcome to attend this beautiful event. See you there!
Register to Attend:
Register to Perform:
Would you like to perform at Slam the Islamophobia?
The Fourth Annual Slam the Islamophobia will be an event for Muslims to express themselves through the arts hosted by Emerald Project.
This event will give Muslims like you a voice and space to express your experiences and feelings. Islamophobia is rampant in communities across America. We want to build a space and community where Muslims have a safe community to express themselves. We want to uplift the voices of Muslims, therefore to be eligible to apply, the applicant must identify as Muslim.
Possible Performance Ideas:
Nasheed (Islamic songs)
Painting (Showcased on the side)
Performing Arts (Theatre, Music)
Architecture (Mosques, etc.)
Rug and carpet weaving
Performer Application: